The motto “Porto i Misteri” (I Carry the Mysteries) is the key that the Venerable Foundress has given to her daughters to live the Eucharistic-Missionary Charism in their everyday life and missionary endeavors. Though the term “Mystery” meant for her the entire gamut of Christ’s life, she looked upon the Eucharist as the “Mystery of Mysteries”. To be a “bearer of Christ”, a consecrated vessel holding God’s Son is a powerful image that Seraphina engraved for herself and her daughters to live a Eucharistic life. Each CFMSS is to be a “bearer of Christ” and generate Him in the hearts of men and women by their exemplary life.
Seraphina wished to set every person on fire with the Eucharistic flame.The evangelical mandate to proclaim the Good News was a blazing fire that continually fed her ardour to carry the compassionate, merciful love of the Eucharistic Jesus to lands beyond her native shore. “Go then, my daughters, enkindle and carry the love of the Eucharistic Jesus to all”. It is the mandate and mission entrusted to all her daughters in carrying out their ministry of education of the youth, care of the abandoned/ destitute children or the elderly, healthcare or socio-pastoral service.